June Lin-Arlow


Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Private Practice

June Lin-Arlow is a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist who works with individuals, couples, and families in San Francisco. Prior to this, June worked as a Child and Family Therapist / Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant at the Homeless Children's Network and previously served on the Citizens' Advisory Committee in the SF Office of Early Care and Education. As someone who specializes in complex trauma, she knows how much a person's environment can impact their well-being and strongly believes that housing is a mental health issue. Before her career in mental health, she spent 10 years working in the technology industry in marketing and product development. She holds amaster’s degree in counseling psychology with a concentration in community mental health from the California Institute of Integral Studies and with a bachelor’s of business administration in engineering route to business from McCombs Business School at the University of Texas at Austin. She lives in the Haight neighborhood of San Francisco, CA with her daughter and husband.